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Language Corner...

Register as mGenAfrica Research Staff

Step 1: Complete the mGenAfrica

Step 2: Your registration is only complete after you have activated a link we will send you via email

Step 3:  

Step 4: You will be contacted when our monthly theme overlaps with your research area/job availability.

Step 5: A minimum requirement is that you allocate at least 1 hour  to access the site and text-chat during a session we will allocate you -

Step 6: Click here to get to the Chat console.


Tips on Effective Online Engagement with High School Learners and Public

Tip 1: Respect your audience’s prior knowledge - be careful not to talk down to them

Tip 2: Avoid jargon, use simple English.

Tip 3: Use storytelling to get your point across, short stories/examples

Tip 4: Engage your audience by  asking them questions when possible.

Tip 5: Avoid distractions and concentrate on the Live Chat for your allocated hour.

Tip 6: Be polite - no need to be rude or harsh to your audience even when provoked

Tip 7: Have fun!